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Strategic project facilitation

The Office of the Coordinator-General works directly with investors and project proponents to provide a range of dedicated support, throughout the stages of the investment transaction and will continue to provide post implementation services.

Projects that involve a minimum private investment of $5 million, would result in 25 full time jobs or are of key strategic importance to the State are considered Strategic Projects and will be appointed a case manager from the Office of the Coordinator-General.  Our case management service can assist business and industry project proponents and where appropriate may involve a whole of government team with relevant expertise from the various agencies.

The criteria used by the Office to assess whether a project is a Strategic Project include:




Minimum $5 million private investment and / or

Jobs created

Minimum of 25 jobs

Key Sectors

The state’s identified key sectors

Economically strategic

Investment that creates significant flow-on opportunities for economic growth

Socially strategic

Projects that will increase the diversity, sustainability and resilience of the community

Environmentally strategic

A project that is environmentally sustainable and builds on Tasmania's established environmental principles

The Office of the Coordinator-General may facilitate and assist the project by:

  • Streamlining access to Tasmanian Government contacts and mapping approvals required.
  • Negotiating and identifying resources and linkages within the Tasmanian Government to overcome obstacles.
  • Working with the Commonwealth's Major Projects Facilitation Agency (MPFA) on the speed and efficiency of Commonwealth government regulatory approvals for major projects.
  • Identifying opportunities to progress projects including approval pathways, resource availability, site selection, workforce solutions and access to economic data and business tools.
  • Where appropriate, engaging with Heads of Agency, Ministers and other key stakeholders.
  • Facilitating introductions with local companies and service providers.
  • Engaging with communities, local governments and landholders across Tasmania.

If you believe that you have a project that meets some or all of the criteria for a strategic project please contact us.

Projects which do not meet the criteria for Strategic Project but are seeking assistance with their project will be referred to the relevant Client Services Team in the Department of State Growth.